At MHLC there are several principles by which we aspire to live. These principles form the foundation of our business and personal practices, and are the keys to our success. We feel as if just like pillars, they actually support us.

How do we know that because when were not practicing them, stamina and energy, even for everyday tasks, seems to be lacking. Enjoyable, random moments of peace and calm also take their leave without the dedication to cultivating inner strength. We would like to share these pillars with you, our clients and friends.

* Presence This quality is the most important, and it is required for the other pillars to arise. Presence means being fully engaged in this moment, just as it is, without getting lost in thoughts of the past or future. Presence inspires inner strength because we can only truly be strong when we are firmly anchored in this moment.

* Authenticity As Shakespeare wrote, To thine own self be true. Authenticity means to come from ones center at all times in all ways. Attempting to live in such a way, so that every thought, word, and action is an expression of our truth.

* Integrity Speaking the truth and honoring our commitments to both others and ourselves. Doing the best we can with what we know, allowing for mistakes and in turn learning from them. Integrity is the key to having access to all of our power and the force of our will.

* Health We strive to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit. This means eating clean healthy food, refining our minds through meditation, and choosing words that are supportive and uplifting this is the ideal to constantly come back to. Caring for our bodies and each other so that we spread the message of good health not only between ourselves but to those we are in contact with.

* Joy None of it matters if we are disconnected from joy. Making a connection with our own happiness just as a state of being, rather than doing is a lovely practice. Just as animals are naturally joyful, nature delights in our happiness. A strong person is one who can choose to reside in joy, whatever the external circumstances may be.

* Sustainability We do our best to live in a sustainable way. That means taking only the resources that we need to thrive, being aware of excess or greed and how easily we go there if we arent aware of our choices.

We understand the importance of reciprocity and giving back to our environment and our community. Caring for our bodies so we can remain healthy for years to come and in the same way caring for the Earth so she can remain vibrant for future generations is the ultimate in sustainable living.

* Gratitude Experiencing and expressing gratitude for something every day so that this practice becomes habitual and never far from your mind. It actually does change your view your world from simply waking in the morning to the great gifts (and challenges) of life, gratitude is the key and the way.

* Generosity Giving; recognizing that our abundance is meant to be shared. When we have a little, we give a little. When we have a lot, we give a lot.

* Dedication We are committed to our evolution and in turn the health of the world. Our daily practices keep us healthy and strong, and it is dedication that gets us on the mat and eating healthy food day after day.

When the connection to why you want to cultivate particular habits is clear the choice becomes easier and less of a mental negotiation. The will I or wont I becomes I will because this choice makes me feel good. Simple.

* Cooperation We are in this together as a species and a planetary organism. We can only truly thrive as individuals if we all are thriving. Recognizing the oneness of all of us is extra inspiration to contribute to the greater good or a bigger purpose than just your own.

We must all find our own way to health and happiness. These are the pillars that hold us up. We hope these inspire you to connect with your own inner strength and wisdom.