Do you wake in the morning ready to take on the world like a champion? If the answer is not really, then perhaps you could use a little help. Thousands of people all over the world start their days with Yoga to increase circulation, boost metabolism, and wake up body and mind. And while it is preferable to practice for a full hour whenever possible, some days we just do not have the time. Here is a short sequence you can use to help go from get away to lets get going!


Start by lying on your back with bent knees, soles of feet on the mat. Let every part of your body relax as much as possible. Focus on breathing deeply for about 15 deep breaths. Especially release tension from your jaw, neck, and lower back. Set an intention for your practice if you like, and remember to breathe deeply through the entire sequence.

Roll onto your right side, then onto hands-and-knees. Draw your big toes together and knees apart. Fold hips back towards heels for Balasana Childs Pose. Extend arms forward as you relax your shoulders down the back. Let your forehead come down to the mat and the eyes, jaw, and throat relax. Hold for 5 to 8 deep breaths.

Press up to hands-and-knees for Spinal Rolls. Set a firm foundation by pressing through the palms, with the shoulders above the wrists and hips above the knees. As you exhale, drop your tailbone, let your mid-spine round up towards the sky, and let your head drop. As you inhale, draw the tail towards the sky, let your belly drop, chest open, and head naturally follow the movement of your spine. Continue for 8 repetitions, remembering to coordinate the movement with your breath.

Then check that you still have a solid foundation through your palms, turn the toes under, and press back to Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Facing Dog. Keep your inner palms rooted as you extend back through your sits bones. Stay for 5 to 7 deep breaths

Step your right foot forward until the ankle is under the knee for Anjaneyasana Lunge Pose with Chest-opening Variation Right Leg. Bring hands to hips and check that your pelvis is as neutral as possible. This will usually require drawing your tailbone towards the ground and lightly bringing the right hip back and left hip forward.

Then interlace your fingers behind your back and gently but steadily extend the interlaced fingers down towards the ground, allowing the chest and shoulders to open. Stay for 6 to 7 deep breaths, then reach both arms up over head, keeping the shoulders relaxed. Stay here for an additional 3 to 4 breaths.

Then fold forward, keeping your legs steady and bringing right hand to right hip, left hand to the mat. Rotate the navel, chest, and shoulders towards the right, and reach right arm up to the sky for Parivrtta Anjaneyasana Revolved Lunge Pose Right Side. Hold for 5 to 6 deep breaths.

Release the twist, set the foundation through the hands, and step back into Phalakasana Plank Pose. Bring your body into one long line, with weight distributed evenly between legs and arms. Stay here for 4 to 5 deep breaths, then press back to Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Step your left foot forward until the ankle is under the knee for Anjaneyasana Lunge Pose with Chest-opening Variation Left Leg. Bring hands to hips and check that your pelvis is as neutral as possible. This will usually require drawing your tailbone towards the ground and lightly bringing your left hip back and right hip forward.

Then interlace your fingers behind your back and gently but steadily extend the interlaced fingers down towards the ground, allowing chest and shoulders to open. Stay for 6 to 7 deep breaths, then reach both arms up over head, keeping the shoulders relaxed. Stay here for an additional 3 to 4 breaths.

Then fold forward, keeping your legs steady and bringing left hand to left hip, right hand to the mat. Rotate the navel, chest, and shoulders towards the left, and reach your left arm up to the sky for Parivrtta Anjaneyasana Revolved Lunge Pose Left Side. Hold for 5 to 6 deep breaths.

Release the twist, set the foundation through your hands, and step back into Phalakasana Plank Pose. Bring your body into one long line, with weight distributed evenly between legs and arms. Stay here for 4 to 5 deep breaths, then press back to Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Step both feet forward to the top of the mat, bring them to parallel about hip distance apart, staying folded in Uttanasana Standing Forward Bend. Take 3 to 4 deep breaths here, letting neck and shoulders relax as much as possible. Then root through the legs and inhale as you rise to standing, bringing arms overhead. Exhale and bring hands down the midline, joining palms together in front of heart. Pause here for 3 breaths in Tadasana Mountain Pose. Then inhale as you reach arms overhead, and exhale as you fold forward into Uttanasana. Step back in Phalakasana, take 2 deep breaths, then press back to Adho Mukha Svanasana. Stay for 3 deep breaths.

Step the right foot forward. Bring the left heel down, aligning your leg so the toes and knee face the same direction. Inhale as you bring your torso up to vertical, then fold to the right into Trikonasana Triangle Pose Right Side. Bring your right hand to the mat, a block, or the inside of your shin, just do not push down on your leg. Lengthen through your spine. Stay here for 5 to 7 deep breaths.

Then step your left leg closer in, bring right fingertips to the ground, press down through your right heel, and lift the left leg towards horizontal into Ardha Chandrasana Half Moon Right Side. Extend strongly through left heel, and draw left hip and chest towards sky. Stay for 5 to 8 deep breaths.

Lower the left leg, step it up next to the right, and return to Uttanasana. Step back into Phalakasana, take 2 deep breaths, then press back to Adho Mukha Svanasana. Stay for 3 deep breaths.

Step the left foot forward. Bring the right heel down, aligning your leg so the toes and knee face the same direction. Inhale as you bring your torso up to vertical, then fold to the left into Trikonasana Triangle Pose Left Side. Bring your left hand to the mat, a block, or the inside of your shin, just do not push down on your leg. Lengthen through your spine. Stay here for 5 to 7 deep breaths.

Then step your right leg closer in, bring left fingertips to the ground, press down through your left heel, and lift the right leg towards horizontal into Ardha Chandrasana with Parivrrta Half Moon with Twist Left Side. Extend strongly through right heel, and draw right hip and chest towards sky. Stay for 5 to 8 deep breaths.

Bring the right leg down, stay folded over, and rotate towards the right to come into Prasarita Padottanasana Wide Leg Forward Bend. Bring feet into parallel, and the arms into any position you like. Stay here for 8 to 10 deep breaths.

Bring legs together, then bend knees and come down onto the mat. Extend the legs out in front of you for Dandasana Staff Pose. Bring hands alongside the hips, fingers pointing towards the toes. Reach out through inner heels as you draw up through crown of head. Stay for 5 deep breaths. Then press into palms and lift hips into Purvottanasana Upward Plank Pose. Draw the hips and chest towards sky. Stay for 5 deep breaths.

Release the hips, lie on your back. Hug knees into chest for 4 deep breaths. Extend legs for Savasana and rest for a few moments, allowing your body to absorb the work you have just done.

Enjoy this invigorating morning practice that covers every major movement of the main joints and spine to start your day with energy.