Banana, Ginger and Pine Nut Smoothie

Ginger is tasty and has a myriad of health benefits, a primary one being simply that helps the body absorb and assimilate a variety of essential nutrients.

Mixing ginger with banana, a super-food in its own right takes the strong spicy flavour down a notch and makes a delicious smoothie.

Banana helps you when youre feeling down by helping your body make serotonin and it strengthens the nervous system.

Its also full of fibre and one the major sources of potassium which is essential for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function.

The pine nuts give it a slightly nutty flavour and the extra boost of protein and pinoleic acid helps your feel fuller longer,

The base for this smoothie is a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and the juice of a lemon.

Whizz this up with 2 bananas, the grated ginger and the pine nuts.

Add a pinch of Epsom salts to boost your magnesium intake.

Serve chilled

Ingredients Serves 1

** 2 Large, ripe bananas

** 1 Teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger

** 250 ml fresh orange juice

**1 Tablespoon of fresh pine nuts

** Pinch of Epsom salts