
It is possible to achieve your bodybuilding goal with 5 days workout plan. The gurus of bodybuilding and experts have introduced 5 days workout plan for all person to go with this in the gym and they will get their desired results.

Workout plan for five days is the most popular workout program among all bodybuilders out there. With this five-day workout plan trainee can get the proper recovery with each muscle group, also this program allows the person to work at high intensity. In this five days workout plan each muscle group exercises involve just once a week.

Woman doing workout with barbell5 days workout program:

  • Day 1 Legs & Abs
  • Day 2 Chest
  • Day 3 Back & Abs
  • Day 4 A rest day
  • Day 5 Shoulder & Abs
  • Day 6 Arms
  • Day 7 A rest day
  1. Always train muscle groups exercises in the start, it is important to start the workout at the start of every week to make sure that workout is doing in the days when your body is all fresh and enthusiastic.
  2. Also, it is very important and beneficial at the same time to take a day or two off during training week; it helps and permits muscles to get better repossession. Trainees should do 4 to 5 moves daily with two major exercises as well as do not forget to add 2 to 3 attachment training.

Day 1: Legs Workout

  1. Barbell Squat (5 sets)
  2. Leg Press (Set by Seated Leg Curl)

8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. Leg Curl (Superset with Leg Press)

4 sets & 8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. Leg Extensions

4 sets & 12-15 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. Vertical Calf Raises

4 sets & 12-15 reps (3 to 4 sets)

leg workout

Day 2: Chest Workout

  1. Barbell Rise Bench Press Medium Grip
  2. Dumbbell Bench Press (Set by Dumbbell Fly)

4 sets & 8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. Dumbbell Flyes (Set by Dumbbell Bench Press)

4 sets & 8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. Butterfly

3 sets & 12-15 reps

  1. Bent-Arm Dumbbell Pullover

3 sets & 12-15 reps

chest workout

Day 3: Back Workout

  1. Pull ups (5sets)
  2. Bent over Barbell Row (Set by Straight-Arm Pull-Down)

4 sets & 8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. Straight-Arm Pull-down (Set by Bent Barbell Row)

4 sets & 8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. Barbell Shrug

3 sets & 12-15 reps

  1. V-Bar Pull down

3 sets & 12-15 reps

back workout

Day 5: Shoulders Workout

  1. Push Press (5sets)
  2. Straight Barbell Row (Set by One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise)

4 sets & 8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise (Set by Straight Barbell Row)

4 sets & 8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets)

  1. Forward-facing Dumbbell Raise

3 sets, 12-15 reps

  1. Fixed Low-Pulley

3 sets & 12-15 reps

shoulder workout

Day 6: Arms

  1. Preacher Curl (5sets)
  2. Decline Bar Triceps Extension (Set by Hammer Curl)

8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets) & 4 sets

  1. Hammer Curls (Set by Bar Triceps)

8-10 reps (3 to 4 sets) & 4 sets

  1. Dips Triceps

3 sets, 12-15 reps

  1. Barbell Curl

12-15 reps & sets

arm workout

Abs Workout:

  1. Crunches

5 sets, 5 reps

  1. Flat Bench Leg Raise (Set by Cable Crunch)

3 sets, 10-12 reps

  1. Cable Crunch (Set by Flat-Bench Leg Raise)

3 sets, 10-12 reps

  1. Plank

3 sets, to failure

Alisa is working in writing industry since 5 years. Currently, she is writing on fitness, weight loss, and health products. Visit her blog and check her latest post on Anabolic Steroids. Follow her on Facebook for more details.