If you plan on switching up your diet, then you should be prepared for your stools texture and color to change, and even your overall bowel movement. If you change up your eating habits, chances are your known bathroom schedule is also bound to change. For example, many people go to the restroom every morning, after drinking their coffee. However, if you stop drinking coffee due to matters of health, your entire routine might change.
Foods That Change Stool Color
There are certain foods (vegetables especially) that can completely change the aspect of your stool. Therefore, if you change your eating habits, such an occurrence is to be expected, and you shouldnt worry too much about it, especially if youre not experiencing any other symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort. Here are some of the foods that can affect the color and texture of your stool:
- Green vegetables (especially leafy greens). If your stool starts having an odd greenish tinge, thats most likely no reason for concern if youre on a green-heavy diet. Due to the strength of the green pigmentation of some vegetables and leafy greens, your feces are bound to pick some up. This can also happen in the case of vegetarian vitamin supplements, which contain a large amount of green veggies.
- Red beets. Yet another veggie with strong pigmentation, the red in the beets you eat is bound to also be picked up by your stool, which will in turn have a very slight reddish tinge. Just think about how red beet juice usually stains everything around you if you manage to spill it, from your hands to your T-shirt and kitchen counter. That can also happen with your stool. However, if you havent eaten any beets in a while, and your stool turns red or black, theres a high chance you are experiencing blood in stool. If thats the case, you need to see a doctor immediately.
- Food that is rich in iron. Iron-rich food can work wonders for your health, and so can iron supplements. However, if you start including many foods that are rich in iron in your diet, your stool will naturally turn darker. In the case of iron supplements, if you take them for a while, it even will gradually become black. However, if you know that you havent been ingesting anything thats rich in iron lately and your stool turns black anyway, better check with your doctor.
- Liquid foods and super drinks (soup, smoothies, tea etc.). If your diet is centered around liquid foods, your stools texture is bound to become runnier. Thats no cause for concern, except if its downright watery. Thats a clear sign of diarrhea, and you need to see your doctor about it. Untreated diarrhea can lead to some very unpleasant complications that go as far as intestinal bleeding.