Ones eating habits influence their appearance just as much as physical activity, stress, the lack of sleep and the daily use of cosmetics and skin care products. In order for your skin to look youthful, free of pimples and blemishes, hydrated and free of wrinkles, you should incorporate in your daily diet the best foods for skin.

This doesnt mean you have to invest in expensive products made by renowned companies: it means you need to get familiar with the most recommended categories of food for healthy skin and to eat them as often as possible.

Given below are the most important 6 categories of products you should consume for a rejuvenated and flawless skin, so make sure to check them before doing your groceries!

1. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

First on our list of food for healthy skin are products rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as tuna, sardines, herring, mackerel, salmon, nuts, soybeans, canola oil, walnuts and flaxseeds. This mineral fights against inflammatory processes, skin damage caused by sunburns, wrinkles and skin cancer.

2. Products rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to be effective in reducing the harmful effects of sunlight, pollution and smoke on ones skin, stimulating the production of collagen and enhancing skins firmness and elasticity. This powerful antioxidant is produced by the human body and taken from eaten products as well.

Best foods for skin in this category are citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, collard greens, spinach and tomatoes, papaya, pineapples, all types of berries, kiwi fruit and watermelon. Recommended dose is between 500 and 1000 mg per day.

3. Foods with high vitamin A content

Products containing high amounts of vitamin A are also listed among the best foods for skin, as this compound is known to stimulate skins regeneration, to restore its youthful aspect and prevent symptoms caused by aging. Vitamin A deficiencies cause skin dryness and wrinkles and favor the occurrence of acne spots.

Foods rich in this vitamin are halibut fish, cod, kidney, liver, milk and dairy products, carrots, pink grapefruit, apricots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, broccoli, green leafy vegetables and spinach.

4. Selenium-rich food for healthy skin

Products rich in this mineral are included in the list of best food for healthy skin as they protect skin cells from sun damage, reduce the risk of skin cancer and favor the elimination of toxins, improving skins tone, texture and appearance. Also, they prevent skin discoloration, eczemas and psoriasis. Foods containing high amounts of selenium are whole-grain cereals, eggs, seafood, garlic, muscle meat and Brazilian nuts.

5. Products rich in zinc

Zinc prevents the formation of acne lesions by clearing the skin and regulating the production of sebum. Its effective in keeping away wrinkles, skin dryness and inflammation. Best foods for skin containing this mineral are poultry, lean meat, oysters, nuts and seeds, whole grains and cereals, lobster, crab, mussels, salmon and pumpkin.

6. Foods rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E has strong antioxidant properties therefore it works by blocking the harmful effects of free radicals and damaging sun rays. Products rich in vitamin E are considered a great food for healthy skin as they can prevent wrinkles formation, making skin look smoother and younger.

Foods rich in vitamin E include avocados, peanut butter, egg yolks, nuts, liver, whole grains, green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils. The daily dose shouldnt exceed 400 IU.