You may be familiar with the terms acid and alkaline, but not necessarily in relation to your body. The truth of the matter is that your body has a natural balance and if that balance is destroyed, it could have devastating effects for your health. Read more to learn about the alkaline diet for health.

Acid vs. Alkaline
The pH scale is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of substances. The name pH comes from the term power hydrogen and the pH scale literally measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution or food. You dont need to understand all of the scientific details, but you should have a grasp on the basics of pH before you can understand the alkaline diet.

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with 7 being a neutral value neither acid nor alkaline. Values above 7.0 are said to be alkaline while values below 7.0 are acid. The body has a natural pH around 7.4 which is slightly alkaline. In order to maintain optimal health, you should strive to maintain a balanced pH within your body.

The Alkaline Diet
This diet is based on an understanding that the body functions best at a slightly alkaline pH. Thus, highly acidic foods are to be avoided and the consumption of alkaline foods is encouraged. I dont know about you, but when I first heard about this diet I was stumped. I knew that things like orange juice and grapefruits were said to be acidic, but what is an alkaline food?

Some of the most alkaline-promoting foods, I found, include vegetables, soy products, nuts and seeds, legumes and many fruits. Foods like dairy, grains and processed foods, on the other hand, tend to produce acid in the body which can put the bodys pH scale out of balance.

Other alkalinizing foods include:

Watermelon Lemons Celery
Mango Parsley Grapes
Asparagus Pears Pineapple
Raisins Dates Cantaloupe
Seaweed Melons Papaya
Leafy Greens Almonds Brussels Sprouts
Cucumbers Bell Peppers Broccoli
Strawberries Beets Cauliflower

Tips for the Alkaline Diet
Though following an alkaline diet mainly involves eating alkaline-promoting foods, there are other things you can do to promote healthy pH balance in your body. Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Avoid treated water or squeeze a few drops of lemon or lime juice into your water before you drink it.

Moderate exercise helps the body to eliminate waste but over-exercising can create a buildup of lactic acid in the body. Make an effort to get plenty of sleep each night to not only help balance your pH but also to reduce your stress.

By eating alkaline-forming foods and following some of the tips listed above, you should be able to balance your bodys pH. Following an alkaline diet is easier than you might think just give it a try and you may be surprised at how it works out!