What does the word wellness mean? Is it simply being disease-free? Is it eating healthy? Is it exercising regularly? Is it a having low-stress? The answer is yes, yes, yes, yes and then some!

Wellness is a multi-faceted word. Its a mindset, its a way of living and its a way of being. Wellness can be looked at as the union of six components, all of which are equally important.
1. Emotional
2. Intellectual
3. Social
4. Spiritual
5. Environmental (Global)
6. Physical

Emotional Wellness:

Emotional wellness speaks to the way you react to the curveballs that are thrown at you throughout lifeboth positive and negative. Someone who is emotionally well is confident in themselves, takes responsibility for their behaviors and is able to handle the potential roller coaster of emotions calmly and rationally.

Intellectual Wellness:

Intellectual wellness is about having the abilityand desireto lean and grow as a person. Its about being able to make rational decisions based on past experiences and knowing how those decisions will affect you and others. And, intellectual wellness allows you to think ahead with a clear mind and to develop strategies that will help you succeed.

Social Wellness:

Social wellness is about relationships. Social wellness is the ability to appreciate others for who they are and to interact with all different types of people in your community in a positive way. And, social wellness is about being able to both give and take in relationships.

Spiritual Wellness:

Spiritual wellness relates to ones quest to find meaning and purpose in life. The spiritually well person has a set of values that guide his or her behaviors consistently and brings a feeling of peace to his or her life.

Environmental Wellness:

Environmental wellness is about the way you interact with the earth. A personal who has a high degree of environmental wellness is respectful of the fragile planet on which we live and takes steps to preserve and improve it. He is environmentally conscious and cares about the future of the land and seas.

Physical Wellness:

Physical wellness speaks to your bodys physical state of being as it relates to being disease-free as well as the bodys ability to fight off disease and stay healthy. Someone who has a high degree of physical wellness takes care of their body by exercising, eating right, sleeping, and not-abusing the body through unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking.

Why Does Wellness Matter?

Wellness is not just a day-to-day state of being. Instead, wellness is a big picture. When you have a high degree of wellnessall six aspects of wellnessyou set yourself up for a long, healthy and happy life. When you have a high degree of wellness you set not only yourself up for success, but also those around youyour friends, your family, and your community.

Each day, ask yourself, have you taken steps to improve your wellnessall 6 components of it? What can you do to make yourself even better today than you were yesterday? Think about it and youll soon find yourself feeling better, looking better, and making the world around you better.