Our relationship with the foods we eat has become literally suicidal. Yes suicidal! If you are not asking the right questions about the foods you are eating, you are effectively eating your way to an early grave. Still not convinced? Then hear this. Seventeen million people die every single year from Cardiovascular Disease. Right now, at least one person is being admitted to hospital following a heart attack. Every four minutes, ninety-seven people die of Heart Disease. Obesity is another disease that could kill you prematurely. Obesity has taken over as the worlds biggest Health Crisis. No longer is starvation the most prevalent cause of death no! Now it is an excess of body weight. Every country in the world, bar sub-Saharan Africa, has seen an 82% increase in Obesity, over just two decades! Middle Eastern Countries have seen numbers of Obesity rise by 100%. Globally, we have seen a rise in Heart Disease, Diabetes, Kidney Disease and Cancer. All these diseases are, for the most part, PREVENTABLE. Our Western lifestyles and Western diets are killing us.

30% of all Cancers in the Western World are directly attributable to our diet. 20% of all Cancers in the developing world are directly attributable to diet. These statistics speak for themselves. We need to radically transform our relationship to food!

Change the questions that you ask

Clever marketing companies, at the behest of multi-national food manufacturers, have essentially brainwashed us away from asking the questions we should be asking. They have temporarily secured our addiction to food sources that increase our chances of dying early and contribute towards our poor health. We are not to blame marketing is a merciless business and human psychology is vulnerable. We can, however, start our counter-attack right now! Wake up! What have we been thinking?! We have been thinking that we like the taste of something. We have been thinking that we like the sensation that that food source gives us. We have been like Homer from The Simpsons hypnotized towards those mmmmm donuts. We have been reaching for a quick fix, convenient food, when in the long run that food will not be convenient at all. What questions should we be asking? We should be asking about the nutritional value of our food. We should be asking, before every bite, does this food support my health?Does this food support my longevity? Does this food protect me, and my family, against illness and disease? Much of what we call food is not even worthy of the name! Some so-called food sources contain no nutritional value whatsoever refined sugar, for example, has no nutritional value at all. None! It is calorific energy and nothing else. Excess sugar will pile on the pounds, increasing the stress in your body, and energy-wise wont sustain your body for long at all.

What is good for me?

There is significant research to suggest that a vegetarian diet can decrease the risk of disease. The World Health Organization reports that vegetarians are 40% less likely to develop Cancer than meat-eaters. In part, this is attributable to the fact that a vegetarian is likely to consume food with high nutritional value and plenty of antioxidants. Vegetarian diets tend to contain less unsaturated fat and more life-sustaining Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Potassium, Magnesium, Fiber and Vitamin E. Vegan diets also contain less saturated fat, less cholesterol and have more dietary fiber. Vegans are on average thinner than carnivores, have lower cholesterol levels, and are less likely to develop heart disease.

Increase the nutrients, cut out the chemicals

If someone asked you to drink poison, would you? Its unlikely that you would. But that is what you are doing when you are drinking liquids full of manufactured ingredients and eating foods that are toxic to your body. Think before you take that sip, is this poisonous to me? Pause before you buy that burger, is this good for my amazing heart? Would we want our children, loved ones, animals putting themselves at the risks we put ourselves at? No! The body is a sophisticated, living organism. It needs living organisms to best survive. Plenty of pure water, fresh organic fruit and vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds will enable your body to do the work its designed to do. Fill your body with processed foods, that have been manipulated by chemicals and are high in non-nutritional content, and you are creating an environment in which disease thrives. Be gentle to your heart by limiting the amount of saturated fats you consume. Minimize eating red meat and do not eat it at all unless it is certified organic. Start asking the right questions every time you shop. Every time you go to eat. Every time you feel hungry. Join us in turning these unacceptable statistics around. Join us and choose life!