What Is Oil Pulling and Why Is It Good for Me?

There are many ancient practices that are being resurrected and lauded for their ability to support our health and well-being. These health practices come from all over the world, though some of the most time-tested and popular techniques are drawn from Ayurveda, Indias ancient science of life. One such practice is called oil pulling, and…

6 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy

If you ask any busy person how he or she feels, the honest answer would often be tired. In our over-worked and over-stimulated world, it can sometimes feel like we never have enough energy to do all that we need or want to do. It can be incredibly tempting to turn to coffee, sugar, and…

Is Valium Addictive? How Can I Stop Taking It?

Valium is a Benzodiazepine that is prescribed by physicians for its anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative, amnestic and muscle relaxant abilities. It works on the central nervous system and is often a solution for those suffering from anxiety, nervous conditions or insomnia. There are currently 183 different formulations of Valium and over 60 million prescriptions for sedatives…

Is Squatting the Way When You Gotta Go?

For most of human evolution, we relieved ourselves in a squatting position, with our pelvis low to the ground and hips bent in deep flexion. But as we have become more civilized and sedentary, our thrones have risen higher and higher off the ground. While easier for older knees, this raised toilet position may be…

10 Ways to Turn Your Home into a Sanctuary

As the old saying goes, home is where the heart is. But unfortunately, for many of us home is actually where the stress is. In our fast-paced world we all need a safe haven where we can relax and recharge. It is worth making a few adjustments to ensure your home environment is supporting you…

How to Grow Your Own Sprouts

One of the most affordable and emotionally satisfying ways to eat healthfully is to grow your own food. But not everyone has the space, time, or skills to cultivate a garden. Luckily there is a way to grow nutrient-packed food in a tiny space, for pennies a serving. Homegrown sprouts are little powerhouses of nutrition,…

What Is Urine Therapy?

When I first heard the term urine therapy I could not imagine anyone benefiting from using waste. After all, I had always heard that urine is a toxic substance. A quick internet search answered my question, explaining that urine therapy is the use of your own urine, whether internally or externally, as a way to…

6 Ways to Improve Joint Mobility

Oh, the aging process. There are few experiences in life as humbling as getting older. Most people experience a steady decline in flexibility, strength, endurance, and the other gifts of youthful bodies. But decrepitude is not inevitable. These simple solutions can help stave off certain forms of arthritis and help you stay mobile into your…

Why Isn’t Dairy Good for Humans

Americans have long been taught that milk is the healthiest beverage option available. Soda? Nix it! Juice-questionable. Milk? Go for it! At least thats what were told. Especially for children, milk is the optimal beverage for its wholesomeness, calcium content, and protein. While calcium and protein are both virtuous attributes of milk and dairy products,…

6 Reasons to Eat Less Meat

Not everyone has the same tastes in diet. Some people restrict certain foods, like grains or dairy products, due to medical issues, such as allergies or intolerances. Other people cut meat from their diet, choosing to live a vegetarian lifestyle. The latter is what applies to me. When I gave up the decision to give…