Why Pornography May Be Bad for Your Brain

Intimacy is one of the most important human needs. After food, clothing, and shelter, meaningful connection with others humans ranks as the strongest requirement for health and wellbeing. In our increasingly disconnected world, however, finding this essential nourishment can be surprisingly challenging. As real connection and intimacy disappear in the streams of social media likes…

Buying New Clothes? How You Might Be Contributing to Modern Slavery

Ah, the feel of wrapping your body in a new garment. For many people there is something supremely satisfying about purchasing and donning a brand new piece of clothing. It both feeds and titillates the consumer within us. For some people it creates a sense of feeling affluent and important. And for many people there…

Do Sunscreens Actually Cause Cancer?

The short answer is Yes, and not just because they are a chemical soup full of endocrine disruptors and carcinogens. That part, scary as it is, is actually the least of your worries. The bigger problem is buying into the whole the sun gives you skin cancer, sunscreen protects you, you are broken so you…

7 Healthy Snacks To Keep In Your Gym Bag

We have all been in that situation where we wished we had a healthy snack in our purse or gym bag. Instead, you end up eating something you really did not want (processed food or another latte) and then regret it. If only I had packed something healthy, you say. Dont get stuck with cardboard…

Is Death Better Than Chemo?

If I was given the choice between dying and chemo, along with its constant companions of surgery and radiation, I would definitely choose the former. Its not that I want to die but when I do, I would like it to happen with a bit of dignity. Ive never understood ridiculous predictions like Youve got…

Your Favorite Smoothies Are Making You Fat!

Im a big fan of blending and liquid meals: juices, smoothies and soups. Smoothies are all the rage and with good reason, they are an awesome way to add great nutrients: fruit, veggies, supplements filled with enzymes, phytochemicals that are wonderful for you. So you want to get your smoothies and use them also to…

About Borderline Personality Disorder in Your Family

Millions of people all over the world are living with mental illness. While it can show few external symptoms, mental illness can be as devastating to ones overall health as physical disease. Mental illness can interfere with a persons ability to think, speak, and behave in rational and productive ways. It reduces or eliminates the…

Let’s Tell the Truth About Marijuana for Cancer Patients

In nature, nearly everything can be a medicine or a poison, depending on how and when it is used. Antidotes to snake venom are often derived from the venom itself. Sugar in its natural form within a piece of fruit can be nourishing for our brains, but deadly when extracted and consumed in large quantities….

10 Healing Benefits of Drinking Green Tea!

Tea has been revered and enjoyed all over the world for thousands of years. The brewed leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant create a warming and stimulating beverage that is the most widely drunk other than water. There are countless ways to prepare tea, from plucking the first spring leaves of young trees to aged…

Do Mammograms Increase the Chances of Developing Cancer?!

Breast cancer is a devastating illness that claims the lives of over 500,000 women every year, with nearly 2 million new cases diagnosed annually. Over the past 50 years, breast cancer rates have risen dramatically all over the world, though so have survival rates. The stance of the conventional medical community is that early detection…