Is Chocolate Good for Me?

Oh chocolate. One of our favorite foods. When making the shift to healthy lifestyle, even when we cut out sugary treats chocolate is often the last thing to go. It touches a particular place in humans, soothing and exciting us in a way that few other foods can. But is that good or bad? Can…

10 Ingredients for a Healthy Salad

We love our salads around these parts. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, interesting combinations of vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats make up the foundations of our meals. If you are new to the wonderful world of salads, or just curious about our favorites, here are ten must-have ingredients for salads that will nourish and delight you….

10 Reasons You May Want to Stop Eating Meat

Food is the foundation of life. Many people live to eat, but truly we eat to live. It serves us to eat foods that nourish our bodies and minds, without taking more than we need or creating more suffering in the world. One of the biggest ongoing debates about food surrounds the question of eating…

Five Reasons Why a Daily Dose of Apple Cider Vinegar is a Great for You

Mineral rich, Apple Cider Vinegar is one of natures wonder drugs. The medicinal purposes, and health benefits, are seemingly endless. It has been used for healing and prevention of illnesses since 500 BC. This is a product to always have in your cupboard! For all the reasons listed in this article (and more), drink it…

I Love Coffee! How Much Can I Drink and Still Be Healthy?

We tend to worry that coffee is intrinsically bad for us but there are actually pluses and minuses to drinking coffee. Certain studies show that drinking coffee can have a positive affect on our health. Evidence shows benefits regarding the onset of Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Other studies show a reduction in the risk of liver…

Clear the Clutter! Ten Reasons Why this Will Change Your Life

Do you live amongst piles of dust-collecting non-essentials? Do you have dresses (or shirts) lurking in the back of the wardrobe that have never been worn or at least not in the last decade? Can you never find things when you need them? Its time for a clear out! Eliminating the clutter will change the…

Ten Reasons to Incorporate Probiotics into Your Daily Diet

Probiotics are live organisms such as bacteria or yeast. The word probiotic literally means promotion of life. You have essential bacteria in your body but this can become depleted causing health difficulties. Taking probiotics can supplement any deficiencies in your body and restore balance. If taking probiotics in capsule form, ensure you source the highest…

What is Bullet Proof Coffee? Is it Good For Me?

Bullet Proof Coffee has increased in popularity due to the numbers of people reporting increased energy and weight loss since incorporating it into their daily diet. In fact, the feeling obtained from Bullet Proof Coffee has been described as un-describable! The recipe, created by Dave Asprey, is an adaptation of Yak Butter Tea, drank by…

Ten Reasons Why it is Important for Your Child to Have Breakfast

Starting the day with a nutritional breakfast is the healthy option for all of us. For children starting the day the right way is even more important. In the average, busy household, early mornings can be a bit fraught with desperately trying to get everything (and everyone) organized as you race against the clock. Finding…

Why My Healthy Living (MHLC) Is the Best Resource for Health & Wellness Tips

We have worked very hard to understand the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Our passion now is sharing the wisdom we have gathered with you, our readers. With the abundance of information available on the internet today it can be challenging to discern substance from fluff. Today we want to share a bit about why…