We all know how important it is to start our day with a good, well-balanced breakfast. This smoothie is a great breakfast replacement, tastes like a dessert more than anything else and offers plenty of vitamins and nutrients. It has creamy texture, almost milkshake like consistency. If you have a sweet tooth, this chocolate banana smoothie will be a total lifesaver when sugar cravings sneak up. Next time you need to recharge your batteries, make this smoothie. You will be good as new, in no time. And make a double batch and share it with someone they will appreciate it!

Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian
Servings: 1


1 large banana, frozen
2 tablespoons raw almond butter
1 tablespoons raw cacao powder
cup almond milk
2 dates, pitted
1 tsp raw cocoa nibs


Add the almond milk, banana, almond butter, cocoa powder and dates and blend until the mixture is smooth.
Pour into a glass, sprinkle with cocoa nibs and serve.