9 Ways to Use Coconut

Coconut is a delicious staple in many parts of the world. From the electrolyte-rich water of young cocos to the cell-nourishing oil in older nuts, they are one of natures most versatile gifts. Some indigenous cultures use every part of the coconut palm for food, fuel, instruments, and building materials. While we dont need to…

8 Ways to Add Ginger to Your Diet

Ginger is an incredibly healing food with a wide range of medicinal and culinary uses. It is one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories. It is also high in antioxidant activity, and can even selectively kill certain types of cancer cells. But even with its many benefits, if you have never worked with this funny…

6 Ways to Make Guilt

We love the taste of gourmet food. The smells, textures, and flavors provide otherwordly experiences. The way it melts in our mouths gives a pleasure that cannot be described in a way that really does it justice. Unfortunately gourmet dishes are often unhealthy for our bodies, with dairy, gluten, cane sugar, or other ingredients we…

6 Surprising Benefits of Cucumbers

Cucumbers are some of our favorite fruitables. Like tomatoes, they live in that strange land between fruit and vegetable, but are technically a fruit from the same family as melons and squashes. And like tomatoes they hold many secrets. Cucumbers come from Asia originally, but are now cultivated all over the world. They thrive in…

5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

Loving our bodies can take many forms. One of the most important ways to care for ourselves is to keep the metabolic fires burning hot. Most peoples metabolisms drastically slow down as we age, but there are ways to them burning. And while its true that the base rate of our metabolisms are determined by…

7 Reasons to Avoid Gluten

There are times when we all want a free pass. When we would like to be able to eat whatever we desire without consequences, like a child at a birthday party. But to maintain our health, we need to be mindful about what we eat at all times. According to the National Foundation for Celiac…

7 Ways to Use Turmeric

Every day it seems like there is a new superfood that can cure cancer or offer other incredible health benefits. The jungles and mountains are being torn apart for their never-before seen secrets. But some of the most powerful healing foods have been used in traditional medicine and cooking for centuries. One of the most…

Find out How the Wholistic Natural Yoga Detox Approach Works

We all know that Yoga is good for us. It offers countless benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is also a highly adaptable practice, which can be adjusted to support whatever physical or mental process we might be exploring. One of the many applications of Yoga is detoxification. Inner Heat Yoga boosts the…

How to Lose Ten Pounds in a Week with a Juice Fast

A juice fast is a powerful way to lose weight, increase your energy and improve digestion. Imagine being able to drop as much as 10 pounds in one week. You can but before you dive into a fast, its important that you understand what it entails and properly prepare yourself for the week of juice…

Can You Eat Too Much Kale?

Boy do I love kale! In fresh juice, green smoothies, or massaged with lemon in a salad. I could probably eat kale with every meal, and some days I have. I also love cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and collards. But all of these cruciferous vegetables, along with a few other foods, have a potentially dangerous side…