Olympic Athletes Thriving on Vegetarian Diets!

Many people in the competitive sports world are convinced that eating animals is required for athletic prowess. Athletes are often depicted as heavily muscled, thoughtless carnivores that need massive amounts of meat for success. But it is possible to be an accomplished athlete on a plant-based diet. It is even possible to reach the highest…

Vegan Celebrities Shine in Hollywood

Hollywood is all about beauty and now it appears a growing number of celebrities are sharing their secrets for looking and feeling beautiful. Its what theyre eating. More and more celebrities are making the decision to put down animal products and focus on eating plant-based foods. Alicia Silverstone first hit it big when she starred…

6 Ways To Ease Back Pain!

If youve ever uttered the words, Oh, my aching back, youre not alone. Approximately one in four adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. And, to make matters worse that pain often comes on suddenly. One minute youre fine, and the next, its a back attack. It may be sparked by…

Different Types of Migraines

Theres nothing like the pounding intensity of a migraine. Everything gets louder, brighter, and sharper. The world distills to a single point of painful focus, usually on one side of the head. When you are in it, all you want is for the pain to stop, and its likely that youll be so nauseous that…

The New Health Secret: Kombucha

Kombucha is taking over store shelves. No longer is the tonic something you can find only in specialty stores or by brewing it yourself. These days even local grocery stores have shelves lined with multiple brands of the unusual drink. So, just what exactly is all the fuss about? These jars of liquid, that often…

Get Your Cholesterol Levels in Check

Protecting our cardiovascular system should be a top priority. But with our mostly sedentary lifestyles (said as I sit at a computer to post this), inflammatory foods, and questionable diets, cardiovascular disease is on the rise. One of the markers for developing disease is high cholesterol levels, especially the bad LDL low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. This…

The Truth About the Miracle Drink

We all want to believe in miracles, right? That there is one magic thing we can eat or drink that will make all of our health problems disappear. Well, it doesnt quite work that way. There is no replacement for a healthy lifestyle that includes a diet of whole, plant-based foods, exercise, and mindfulness practices….

Vegan Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day is all about love, flowers, romance and candy. If your significant other is vegan, you may be wracking your brain trying to figure out how to honor the day with sweets for your sweet vegan. Thankfully, weve come to realize that there are plenty of ways to make the holiday special and make…

Importance of Proper Diet and Exercise for Weight Loss

Ive often wondered if there is a magic formula or method for achieving successful weight loss. Though I know the solution would not really be magical, it seems an organized methodology to follow would make it easier. The challenge for many people is misunderstanding exactly what works for their body. In general, burning more calories…

Fact or Fiction: It is safe to juice whole apples

Think back to when you were a child. Do you remember your mother telling you to never eat apple seeds? The thought process behind this time old saying is due to the belief that arsenic can be found in apple seeds. Was mom right all this time or was mom mislead? I love and cherish…