Learn About Symptoms of a Heart Attack

We all know the classic image from the movies. An older man grasps his chest in pain and falls over. Someone recognizes hes having a heart attack and calls an ambulance, and he is rushed to a hospital. In real life, however, a heart attack can be much more subtle, and therefore harder to recognize….

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera That Will Surprise You

Of all the plants in my garden, aloe vera is one of the most versatile and helpful. I love and respect those spiky, juicy leaves that are a treasure trove of medicine. Aloe vera is a hardy succulent plant that humans have used for thousands of years. It is a member of the lily family,…

The Serious Side Effects of Drinking Bottled Water

In the past few decades, bottled water has become a mainstay in the fitness community. It is not uncommon to see runners with a plastic bottle in their hand or belt pack. Some companies even make tiny bottles marketed to the parents of toddlers, or flavored waters with sugar and extra chemicals (aka vitamins). You…

How to Detox from the Comfort of Home

You probably know that I am a big proponent of keeping it clean. Clean body, clean mind, clean diet, and clean home. In our world it is so easy for our bodies to get overwhelmed by toxic substances. Between the polluted air and water, pesticides, industrial chemicals, heavy metals, food additives, and secondary smoke, its…

Negative Effects Of Hypertension On Your Body‏

Hypertension occurs when blood pressure is chronically elevated. Temporary bouts of high blood pressure that occur once in awhile are usually not a problem, but over time, hypertension can damage the body. In extreme cases, chronic hypertension causes disabilities, organ damage, and heart attacks. It is possible to get hypertension under control, but it takes…

Find Out How Happiness Can Improve Your Health

You have probably heard the saying that money cant buy happiness but for many people, money is even more important than happiness! Unfortunately, a large number of people fail to understand just how important happiness can be for not only your wellbeing, but your physical health as well. How to Measure Happiness Happiness is a…

You Can’t Afford to Miss Your Daily Ration of Garlic – Find Out Why

You have probably heard the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Many people interpret this to mean that a healthy diet is the key to good health. You may be surprised to find, however, that it applies to other foods as well and that it can be taken quite literally. A Clove…

What You Need to Know about the Alkaline Diet

You may be familiar with the terms acid and alkaline, but not necessarily in relation to your body. The truth of the matter is that your body has a natural balance and if that balance is destroyed, it could have devastating effects for your health. Read more to learn about the alkaline diet for health….

Difference Between Emotional and Mental Health

When it comes to your health, you are probably more likely to consider things like your fitness level, your digestion and how you physically feel on a regular basis. What you may not realize, however, is that your mental and emotional state plays a role in your health as well. Keep reading to learn more…

Why You Need A Raw Food Diet Plan?

One of the most common questions people ask before switching to a raw food diet is will I like it? It can be difficult to imagine eating only raw, uncooked foods but it is an extremely healthy diet that is certainly worth considering. The Raw Food Diet The raw food diet is not so much…