10 Step Guide to Starting a Meditation Practice

Meditation has been used by spiritual practitioners for thousands of years as a path to experience transcendent states of consciousness and liberation. And modern scientist are discovering that a consistent meditation practice offers a wealth of benefits for physical and mental health. Meditation has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, chronic stress, fatigue, irritability, and…

Why Tomatoes Are So Important to Us!

A small powerhouse that has been an integral part of the cuisine all over the world for centuries is revealing its many health benefits to modern researchers. Tomatoes are a beloved fruit that are full of a variety of essential nutrients, some of which protect us from heart disease and several forms of cancer. Here…

What’s the Difference Between LOVE & ATTACHMENT in Relationships?

Joining with another person is a natural human urge. We are drawn to share emotional and physical intimacy, to laugh and cry, have families and build lives with people who know us inside and out. The greatest human ideal is unconditional love, freely given and received. But many of us fall short of that ideal…

Borderline Personality Disorder In a Loved One

We live in a world where we are challenged to maintain our mental health everyday. It can be hard to know where we end and the next person begins, even if we are relatively balanced people. This is especially true in cases of mental illness. When someone has a distorted view of reality that causes…

Self Love is the Key to a Fulfilling Life but How Do I Learn to Love Myself?

We often hear that loving oneself is the missing piece when it comes to creating positive change in our lives. When you learn to love yourself first, all sorts of radical changes occur. All very well and good, but exactly how do you love yourself unconditionally when you dont know how? Here are eight practical…

How to Smash Your Fears and Master a New You!

Everyone experiences fear. It is a normal part of life. The world is an unpredictable and sometimes dangerous place. Fear serves a vital function, and at times listening to fear and acting accordingly can save our lives. When an animal experiences fear, in most instances it is some sort of physical danger. The fear triggers…

What are the benefits of Turmeric? Why are people raving about it?!

Turmeric is a pungent yellow spice, often sold in ground form. It is derived from the root of the Curcuma Longa Plant. Native to Indonesia and Southern India, it has been some thing of a wonder drug in both Indian, and Chinese, healing systems, since the 7th century. It has treated symptoms such as fevers…

10 Ways to Invest in Yourself… It’s Worth It!

At the end of our lives, it will not be the number of dollars in our bank accounts that determines our levels of satisfaction with the time that we had on this planet. People on their deathbeds never regret not having earned more money or spending more time on the Internet. When all is said…

10 Reasons to Be Celibate!

Sex is one of the most popular topics in the word today. It is glamorized, demonized, used to sell products, uplift personal image, and degrade people. It can be a source of some of the most immense joy and terrible pain possible in life. Many people find that healthy and fulfilling sex is a beneficial,…

Open Relationships: Liberating or Dangerous?

There are many ways to create health and balance in relationships. What creates freedom and safety for one couple may be stultifying or harmful for another. Many people struggle with feeling like their relationship is not meeting all of their needs, or they are not able to be authentic with their partners. Some couples are…