Is Sex a Requirement in Romantic Relationships?

Joyful, fulfilling sexual intimacy is one of the cornerstones of a healthy life. While not as essential as food and shelter, most adults include consensual and enjoyable sexual intimacy as important aspects of overall well-being. According to health experts and a number of studies, consistent sex contributes to health in a number of ways, including…

5 Signs Your Spouse Is a Narcissist

Relationships are made of give and take. Two people sharing the work and joy of creating a life together. In healthy relationships, both parties express their love for each other, and usually tend to the other persons needs along with their own. But some relationships are one-sided. Through childhood emotional wounding patterns such as abandonment,…

10 Ways to Re

When asked what they have enjoyed the most in their lives, elderly people often speak of love. They tell stories about their spouses of many decades, or flings they had in their youth. In speaking of this love, while the companionship and support are usually mentioned and greatly appreciated, it is the memories of romance…

Ten Ways to Have Your Dream Life – How the World’s Most Successful People Have Achieved Their Goals

We often comfort ourselves with the belief that successful people are successful by default. We believe they were born with golden opportunities, or blessed with extraordinary luck. This isnt true. Most successful people have worked hard at their personal and professional goals, made sacrifices and refused to give up. There are common characteristics shared by…

10 Ways to Be the Very Best at Everything You Do

Life is made of wins and losses. Sometimes we succeed at fulfilling our obligations or bringing our dreams into reality, and sometimes we fail. What matters the most is not whether we win, but how we play this game of life. Ultimately, we cannot control outcomes. But we can control how much effort we put…

10 Steps for Becoming a Great Parent and Raising Happy, Confident Kids

No one is actually ready to be a parent until it happens. Raising children is a full time occupation that requires unparalleled attention and offers intense on-the-job education. Everyone makes mistakes in the process of helping children grow, everyone learns the hard way what it takes to parent a developing person. A childs happiness and…

Do Fast Food Companies Have to Take Responsibility for the Obesity Epidemic?

We are facing a worldwide epidemic. In industrialized nations all over the world, one of the biggest health threats is obesity. While being a few pounds overweight is not that big of deal, health wise, being obese (more than 30 percent over the ideal weight for a persons height and age) is dangerous. It puts…

8 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Finding and maintaining a healthy weight can be an elusive goal. With the abundant access that most of us have to all types of food products that contribute to weight gain, and our modern sedentary lifestyle, being in the shape we want can seem impossible. This is especially true if you want to lose weight…

How to Lose Weight with Coconut Oil

Common understanding about nutrition changes all the time. Diet fads pop up every day trying to lure people into using a particular new product. But sometimes the old, readily available foods can provide exactly what we need. Coconut oil, along with other tropical and saturated oils, was been debased as an unhealthy food during the…

Do I Breathe Through the Nose or Mouth When Exercising?

Effective exercising is all about form. Two people can do the exact same workout and have completely different results depending on how they move through the routine. An often overlooked but very important aspect of effective exercise form is proper breathing. Like everything else in life, breath is the beginning and the end. Of course…