Why do I feel anxious about my relationship and what can I do to feel less anxious?
Approximately 50% of us struggle with anxiety in our intimate relationships. If youre one of them youre certainly not alone! Be aware! The anxiety problem can be hidden. It manifests as a seeming inability to attract the right partner and falling for the wrong one time and time again; falling in love, but then experiencing…
10 Foods for Feeling Sexy in the Bedroom
Joyful sex is one of the great pleasures of life. And like so many of the good things in life, our ability to enjoy sex to the fullest is greatly dependent on our overall health and radiance. A healthy lifestyle that includes nutritious food, plenty of sleep, consistent exercise, and outlets for our creativity are…
Is Co
We are a species prone to addiction. No other species on the planet can become so attached to behaviors and substances that are unhealthy for them, unless they mistake them for food. But our intricate mental makeup that enables our vast intellect and imagination comes with the potential for some heavy burdens. Co-dependency has been…
Death….Is There a Time for Everyone to Go?
We like to believe that we are immortal. Until told otherwise, children believe that they will live forever. But at a certain point in childhood we all learn about death, and that eventually everything that lives will die. Life is a cycle, a wheel that keeps turning whether we like it or not, with birth…
My Spouse Snores, What Can I Do? I Am Going Crazy!
Good sleep is one of the most important aspects of healthy living. That is why it is called our beauty rest. But if we share our bed with someone who snores, getting enough quality sleep can be impossible. Before we let our partners snoring turn us into crazy people, here are some tips to help…
What’s the Purpose of Life?
This question has been at the forefront of human consciousness since we had enough time to do anything more that just survive. Once we reached a state of development that gave us space to choose how we spend our time, we began to wonder about the purpose of existence. We are blessed with self-awareness and…
10 Ways to Get Time to BREATHE!
Deep breathing is one of the cornerstones of health. Shallow breathing depletes our energy and causes physical and mental stress. Deep breathing nourishes every cell in the body, helps protect us from disease, and gives us more energy. But knowing that fact and actually living it are two very different things. Here are some ways…
Ten Techniques for Relaxing before a Visit to the Dentist or before Surgery
Do you get anxious before a visit to the dentist, or afraid before undergoing surgery? If so, youre not alone. It is natural to feel some fear before an experience such as this. However, it isnt pleasant. Especially, not if the fear is verging on terror rather than mild anxiety. Fortunately, it is so common,…
10 Ways to Feel Good About Myself
We can only give to the world what we have given to ourselves. If we want to share love and inspiration with others, we need to cultivate our own self-love. It serves no one for us to go about our lives feeling self-judgment, shame, doubt, or other heart-closing emotions. Here are a few ways that…
One Thing We All Want and Don’t Have!
We live in the age of instant gratification. With a click or tap we can have almost anything we want, if we have the resources. But even with the ready availability of all sorts of things to satisfy our desires, many people are deeply unhappy. Because although we can buy almost anything these days, the…