Berries (especially blueberries) have the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits and vegetables. Essential for fighting the free radicals, antioxidants are found in the bright colored veggies and fruits (red, orange, yellow, purple) and make a reliable anti-aging ally.

Always look for raw berries (fresh or frozen) to benefit at maximum from their flavor and nutritional load. This smoothie is a delightful way to start your morning, with a spectacular color, a fresh flavor and a valuable pack of nutrients.


1 cup mixed berries, fresh or frozen (blueberries, cranberries, blackberries)
1 cup vegan milk of choice
1 ripe banana
One handful fresh mint leaves


=> Wash the mint leaves with plenty of water, drain well and set aside.

=> Add the vegan milk, the mint leaves and the berries in a blender, and pulse until everything is incorporated.

=> Add the ripe banana, roughly chopped, and pulse for 2-3 times until you obtain a rich creamy texture.

=> Drink your smoothie immediately, to benefit at maximum from its antioxidant power.

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