Coffee: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

I used to love my coffee. I couldnt imagine starting a day without that hot, fragrant cup of stimulation. Millions of people all over the world drink coffee like its water. But coffee is a drug, and like any other it has benefits and drawbacks. The Good Coffee is well loved for good reason. It…

Novak Djokovic’s Health Secrets Revealed!

We all want to know the secrets of great athletes. The way they can defy gravity and the limits of the human body are impressive and inspiring, and we want to experience that level of greatness. We look for a magic bullet, an easy way to be as healthy and amazing as most pro athletes…

Migraine Headache Overview and Its Different Types

Theres nothing like the pounding intensity of a migraine. Everything gets louder, brighter, and sharper. The world distills to a single point of painful focus, usually on one side of the head. When you are in it, all you want is for the pain to stop, and its likely that youll be so nauseous that…

Health Secrets Revealed For MHLC Friends

Here at MHLC we are often asked for the secret to our vitality. Its no secret that we are vibrant and love life, and we let it show. And we are happy to share all of the ways that we maintain our health and radiance. Clean Fuel The cornerstone of our health is the high-quality,…

An Egg Without a Chicken‏

Eggs are a hot topic right now. Some foodies consider eggs to be a nutrition miracle. But some health care professionals warn against the potential dangers of consuming them. A new plant-based egg substitute may hold the key to getting the benefits of eggs without the personal and environmental costs. Incredible Eggs Humans have eaten…

Celiac Disease and the Raw Food Diet

Celiac disease is a serious condition but it is one that can be managed through a healthy diet. In addition to removing gluten from your diet, you may also find it helpful to switch to eating raw foods. Keep reading to learn more. Prevalence of Celiac Disease In keeping up with recent health and fitness…

Gift of the Sun: The Importance of Vitamin D

There is nothing like lying outside, letting our skin absorb the light of the sun until we are warmed all the way to the bone. Beyond the obvious benefits of pure photonic energy and glowing skin, exposure to sunlight can give us one of the most important nutrients vitamin D. But sun exposure alone may…

Best Home Remedies for Arthritis

As we age, we change. Some of these changes are wonderful, like becoming wiser and cultivating greater self-awareness. But some changes can be uncomfortable and painful, like developing arthritis. If you are starting to lose grace in your hands, feet, and joints, it can be easy to feel old and frustrated. But there are simple…

Give It to Me Raw: Why Unheated Protein is Best

Ah, protein. Essential for every cell in the body, protein is one of the most contested nutrients these days. With so many people saying such different things about the type of protein we need, it can be hard to know what to eat. In my experience, raw, plant-based protein is the easiest to digest. I…

Natural Solutions to Get Rid of Gas and Bloating

So, lets get the twitters out of the way. Gas, flatulence, farts, passing wind, the toots it happens to all of us. Its normal to pass gas 12 25 times per day, so dont be embarrassed. I am sure even the Dalai Lama toots on occasion. But what is unnatural and unnecessary is when it…